How to Get Eyelash Glue Off of Clothes

We have all been there – accidentally getting eyelash glue on our favorite outfits while applying those coveted false lashes. Don’t worry though, this doesn’t mean your prized clothing has to be sacrificed. With a few simple techniques and household ingredients, how to get eyelash glue off of clothes can be removed without a fuss.

How to Get Eyelash Glue Off of Clothes

Key Takeaways:

  • Assess fabric type and condition before treating the stain
  • Simple solutions like soap, vinegar, and oils can work wonders
  • For tougher stains, use solvents like acetone or specialized glue removers
  • Act quickly for wet stains, and be patient with dried glue

The Pre-Treatment Assessment

Before attempting to remove the glue, it’s crucial to assess the fabric type and condition. Delicate materials like silk or lace require extra care, while sturdier fabrics like cotton or denim can withstand more rigorous treatment.

This pre-assessment will help determine the most effective removal method for your specific case.

3 Effective Methods for How to Get Eyelash Glue Off of Clothes

Here are 3 effective methods for how to get eyelash glue off of clothes:

Method 1: The Water and Soap Approach

A simple water and soap solution might do the trick for fresh, wet glue stains. The key is to act quickly before the adhesive sets in.

  • Dampen the affected area with lukewarm water.
  • Gently lather it with a mild laundry soap or detergent, ensuring the suds penetrate the fibers.
  • Rinse thoroughly and air dry.

If the stain persists after this initial gentle approach, it’s time to escalate our efforts.

Rinse Thoroughly and Air Dry

Method 2: Enlisting the Help of Household Heroes

Vinegar – The Trusty Stain Slayer

Distilled white vinegar is a natural superhero when it comes to tackling stubborn stains. Its acidic nature helps break down the adhesive, making it easier to lift off the fabric.

  • Soak the stained area with vinegar and let it sit for at least 30 minutes.
  • Gently rub the area with a soft cloth or brush to loosen the glue.
  • Rinse and repeat if necessary.
Best Methods for How to Get Eyelash Glue Off of Clothes
Best Methods for How to Get Eyelash Glue Off of Clothes

Olive Oil – The Gentle Dissolver

Another inexpensive and readily available option is olive oil (or any other cooking oil). The oil helps dissolve the glue’s adhesive properties, making it easier to lift off.

  • Apply a small amount of oil to the affected area and gently massage it in.
  • Let it sit for a few minutes to work its magic.
  • Blot off any excess oil and the loosened glue residue.

The Freeze Factor

If the glue has already set and dried, a quick trip to the freezer might be the answer. The freezing process will make the glue brittle, allowing you to scrape or peel it off more easily.

  • Place the garment in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer for an hour or two.
  • Once frozen, gently pick off the hardened glue bits with a dull knife or scraper.

Method 3: The Solvent Solutions

For tougher, more stubborn glue stains, you might need to bring in some heavier artillery – solvents. Here are some effective options:

Acetone – The Trusty Nail Polish Remover

Acetone is a powerful solvent that can dissolve the adhesive properties of most glues.

  • Test on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure no fabric damage occurs.
  • Apply acetone to a cotton ball and gently dab at the stain, working from the outside in.
  • Let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing thoroughly.
Apply Acetone to a Cotton Ball

Specialist Glue Removers

For those stubborn stains, you might need to call in the professionals – specialist glue removers. Products like “Un-Du” are designed to easily lift adhesive residues.

  • Always follow the product’s instructions carefully.
  • Apply a small amount to the affected area and let it work its magic.
  • Rinse thoroughly once the glue has been released.

With a bit of patience and the right technique, even the most stubborn eyelash glue stain can be vanquished, leaving your precious garments fresh and revived.

You Can Check It Out to Treat Eyelash Glue Allergy.

The Final Rinse

Once you’re satisfied that the glue has been lifted, give the garment a final rinse under cool water. This will ensure all residues are washed away, leaving your fabric clean and ready for its next adventure.

Glue Has Been Lifted

FAQs About How to Get Eyelash Glue Off of Clothes

What Dissolves Eyelash Glue?

You can dissolve eyelash glue using oil-based makeup remover, coconut oil, or olive oil by gently applying them to the glued area with a cotton pad or swab. Alternatively, warm, soapy water can help loosen the adhesive. For a specialized approach, consider using a commercial eyelash glue remover following the product instructions carefully to ensure safe and effective removal. Always handle your lashes gently to avoid damaging your natural lashes or irritating your skin.

Can Rubbing Alcohol Remove Lash Glue?

Yes, rubbing alcohol can effectively remove lash glue. Simply soak a cotton pad with rubbing alcohol and gently press it onto the lash glue for a few seconds to allow the alcohol to break down the adhesive. Then, gently wipe away the lash glue residue. Repeat if necessary, and cleanse the area with a gentle cleanser and water afterward. Be cautious around the delicate eye area and perform a patch test to avoid any skin irritation.


And there you have it – a comprehensive guide to conquering how to get eyelash glue off of clothes. With a little know-how and some trusty household heroes, you can keep those lashes looking fabulous without sacrificing your wardrobe.

So next time that dreaded glue mishap occurs, take a deep breath, gather your arsenal, and give that stain the battle it deserves. Your fabulous self (and fabulous wardrobe) will thank you.

Happy lashing, fashionistas!

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